Wednesday, February 19, 2014

                "Do you have any insight to share with people interested in social justice or social enterprise?"
"Three things come to mind. One: collaborate. There is so much more strength in a team or partnership. Green Bridge Growers found connections with Hannah and Friends and the Logan Center, who were very interested in the cause which we were serving. We grow herbs and leafy plants through aquaponics, and we employ people who are affected by autism. Teamwork with other organizations has helped us grow and be where we are today. Two: connect. Stay engaged with the people who are enduring the problem you are interested in. Your work doesn't make sense if you forget whom you are truly serving. Three might sound trite or simple, but...if you really believe in something, and people tell you that you can't do it, or things change, or you need a plan B or C or D...keep going forward with it. You yourself know the potential that's there. If you are firm in your beliefs, don't be affected by the critics and keep foraging ahead. When you're creating something new, setbacks are inevitable. It helps to be flexible, always wondering, 'What if?'"

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