Tuesday, June 23, 2015

                 "What's your greatest Notre Dame memory so far?"
"Oh, just coming here. Notre Dame has been a huge, life-changing step for me. So just that: starting my journey here."

Monday, June 22, 2015

"My advice to women who currently have cancer is to take it day by day. Get done what you need to get done; check it off one by one, like a checklist. And one of the biggest lessons I learned was to ask for help. You're used to being the one who takes care of everyone else. But you'll need help. And people will want to give it to you--it's their way of supporting you. So let them help.
"It's sad that we need events like Football 101 to raise awareness and donations for a cure for breast cancer. But at the same time, it's incredible to celebrate with survivors and the people who supported you along the way. I invited all my friends to celebrate my five years clean."

Friday, June 19, 2015

Seen at Football 101: rushing the quarterback. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

"The pink hair is for breast cancer awareness. I did it last year for tailgating before a game. And with Football 101 coming up, I figured, why not? So I did it again."
                "And is it permanent?"
"Uh, of COURSE!"

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

          "What piece of advice would you give the incoming freshman class?"
"Learn the importance of hard work, and learn it early. Learn how to buckle down here. You need to recognize what's expected of you and meet that, especially with the standards of excellence we have here at Notre Dame."

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

"I'll never forget when we stormed the field my freshman year. It was during the Stanford game and we all just rushed out. It was exhilarating."

Monday, June 15, 2015

              "What brings you to Football 101?"
"Actually, I've been around so often that I know all the plays. I can see a hand signal and tell you what they're calling."
"It's for a great cause. And it's a community event, a place to be with friends and have fun."
"I'm sure my husband would love it if I became a little more involved with football."

Sunday, June 14, 2015

                    "What's your favorite Notre Dame memory?"
"On or off the field?"
                    "Either one!"
"On the field, probably the UCLA game. It was a rough season overall, which made that was a shining moment. Off the field, it was my dorm's reaction after the UCLA game. I was in Siegfried. When I came back, they'd decorated my whole door and waited for me in the hallway."

Monday, June 1, 2015

           "What would you tell your freshman self?"
"Focus on academics...but don't let them drive all that you do. Don't let them stop you from participating. Don't miss football games. Join clubs, stay involved. Academics are important, but college is so much more than that."