Saturday, May 10, 2014

"Like most international students, I hadn't been to the States very many times before coming to Notre Dame. The one time I visited, it was on the east coast for an invention competition among various high schools."
                   "What did you invent?"
"We worked with bicycles. Most bicycles have a triangular frame--and as you've probably seen here, they get stolen often. So we designed a bike whose triangular frame opened up, which meant you could lock your bike frame itself onto a bike rack, rather than looping a lock through the frame and onto the rack. We even visited a bicycle factory, designed the bicycle, and saw it come to life."
                   "On a different note: if Notre Dame could do something differently, what would you suggest?"
"Learning about Catholicism. Yes, Notre Dame is Catholic, and yes, 80% of students are Catholic, but 20% of us are not. For the majority of the university, everyone has grown up knowing Catholic traditions, so most of it is assumed. But I know very little about Catholic traditions. So things like Ash Wednesday, and meatless Fridays during Lent, were confusing and surprising to me. I had to figure out what they meant only after they happened. So some education on these basic traditions of Catholicism would be appreciated."

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