Friday, April 25, 2014

“In terms of the social culture at Notre Dame. I should acknowledge that I'm from the outside looking in, so it's possible I don't know the whole story. But from what I've been told, from what I've seen and heard, there's a disturbing college culture of drinking at Notre Dame--disturbing not because of the drinking, but because of the thinking that seems to belie it. People pregame for events, and why? To have fun. They drink a lot of cheap alcohol quickly, so that they get drunk. Because there's this idea that you have to get drunk to have fun. Students are scared to be themselves in such a competitive environment--everyone is judging grades, looks, fitness, friends--so they get drunk, lose their inhibitions, and do things they wouldn't normally do. The next morning, they can say, 'I was drunk,' and that absolves them from all responsibility. They can shield themselves from their uninhibited actions by saying, 'I was drunk. It didn't count.' And your lifestyle in college carries over to your adult life: binge-drinking two or three times a week, being irresponsible with where and when and how you get drunk, drinking to fulfill a certain desire...when practiced on a regular basis, these become habit. And the habits that you practice at college then become the habits that form the basis for your life.”

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